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Integrated B2B eCommerce Platform for Wholesale Businesses


What is a B2B eCommerce Platform?

A B2B (Business-to-Business) eCommerce platform is a digital solution that enables businesses to conduct online transactions, sales, and interactions with other businesses (B2B) securely and efficiently. It serves as a B2B digital marketplace where wholesalers, manufacturers, distributors, and retailers can buy and sell products or services, manage orders, and collaborate with their trading partners.



Welcome to Web Ninja B2B eCommerce Platform

Web Ninja revolutionises how wholesale ecommerce businesses operate by offering the best B2B eCommerce platform, tailor-made for your industry. Our platform streamlines operations, boosts B2B sales and provides exceptional customer experiences by seamlessly integrating with your existing systems. Say goodbye to manual processes and hello to a future of efficiency and growth.






How Web Ninja B2B eCommerce Platform Works





Web Ninja makes online ordering for B2B businesses easier than ever by integrating seamlessly with your accounting software. Our platform ensures your webstore is always up to date with products, stock levels, pricing, customer information, invoices, and more—automatically and in real-time. When customers place orders online, the details sync back to your accounting software within a minute, eliminating data entry errors, stock discrepancies, and manual updates.


We specialise in creating professional B2B webstores that allow customers to order and reorder products quickly and easily. Our mission is to make you the preferred supplier for your customers by offering a seamless and efficient ordering experience. With Web Ninja, product management becomes effortless, and pricing is always accurate, providing transparency and trust.


Our system keeps stock levels synchronised to prevent inventory issues and automatically updates customer data to streamline communication and improve service. Orders are seamlessly integrated with your accounting software, ensuring smooth financial tracking. With our automated solutions, you can focus on delivering exceptional service and building strong customer relationships.




Key Features of Web Ninja Integrated B2B eCommerce Platform:

Web Ninja's B2B webstore seamlessly integrates with existing systems, including inventory management and ERP, ensuring real-time data accuracy and reducing the need for manual data entry. This integration simplifies operations and enhances efficiency.


The platform is designed to scale with your business, accommodating growth from small businesses to enterprise-level companies. It ensures that as your business expands, the platform continues to meet your evolving needs and supports your growth trajectory.


In addition to robust technical features, Web Ninja offers comprehensive training resources, including documentation and tutorials, to help you maximise the platform's potential. Our responsive customer support team is available via email and live chat to address any questions or concerns, ensuring a smooth and efficient user experience.



Why Choose Web Ninja B2B eCommerce Platform

Web Ninja's wholesale webstore offers seamless integration with existing systems, real-time data accuracy, and scalability to support business growth. With responsive customer support and comprehensive training resources, we ensure you can fully leverage our platform's features for efficient and streamlined operations. All of these amazing features, plus a sleek, modern responsive template branded with your logo & colours come standard with a Web Ninja B2B Webstore.


Summon a Ninja



More About B2B eCommerce

B2B eCommerce is now one of the fastest-growing industries online. In recent years wholesale customers have demanded that they are able to order online with the same kind of efficiencies that Retailers can. B2B ordering though doesn't necessarily require all the pretty bells and whistles that retail websites might - as wholesale buyers often know exactly what they want to order (or re-order) from you.


The priority is on being able to do so as quickly and efficiently as possible. Not only that, these customers want to be able to order at their agreed pricing. They want to see what they ordered previously and they want to be able to easily see what new products might relate to their previous orders. 

Web Ninja has recognised these key differences and has geared our B2B platform this way over the past 12 years. Our passion is in putting a system in place that will allow you to sell more products with less effort. Saving you time and making you money. Want to know more? Click on the enquiry above.



Web Ninja B2B eCommerce Platform Frequently Asked Questions:



Can Web Ninja's platform be integrated with existing systems and scaled for business growth?

Absolutely! Web Ninja's platform integrates seamlessly with existing systems and scales to accommodate business growth, ensuring real-time accuracy and streamlined operations.


How can I get started with Web Ninja's B2B eCommerce platform?

Getting started is easy! Simply reach out to our team through our website or contact us directly at sales@webninja.com.au. Our experts will guide you through the onboarding process, understand your business requirements, and provide the necessary support to set up and customise the platform according to your needs.



What kind of customer support and training does Web Ninja offer?

Web Ninja offers responsive customer support via email and live chat, with a dedicated team ready to help. We also provide comprehensive training resources, including documentation and tutorials, to ensure businesses can fully leverage our platform's features.



Ready to make the leap?

Contact us now to get started on your eCommerce transformation!


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